News Aggregator

Keeping fresh content on your benefits site can be tricky.

To ensure people return to your website it needs to appear current. There is no better way to show your site's currency than by frequently adding new content to your front page. Plan information is routinely changed, but a benefits site necessarily possesses more static content (plan documents, SPDs, forms, etc.) than a business or corporation. Since this type of information is not changed very frequently, it may make your website appear "stale" to a visitor. Keeping content fresh is a great way to ensure that your site remains topical, up-to-date, and engaging to the participant. is offering the News Aggregator: an online system that collates a list of pertinent articles (related to health & wellness, pension, etc.) and allows you to select which items you think would be useful to your participants and post them directly to your site, rss feed, facebook, or twitter account.

You don't need to look for these articles on individual sites every single day – we comb through a number of relevant sites (your plan providers, FDA, CDC, WebMD, etc.), submit articles to the system, and make them available to you. Then, you decide which articles you'd like posted, select them, and publish. And what if you find an article that isn't in the system but you'd like to post it? You simply use the manual upload option which allows you to add a link and description (if applicable).

The News Aggregator makes keeping your site content fresh quick and easy!