--------------------------------- MultiEmployer.com, Inc. --------------------------------- /* TEAM */ Designer and Developer: Dan Nicholls Twitter: @bookandbulb Location: Yuma, AZ Assistant on Design: Mary Price Location: Berkeley, CA Supervisor: Cliff Price Location: Berkeley, CA /* SITE */ Version: 2.0.0 Standards: CSS3, HTML5, Responsive Design Components: CSS3 Pie, Font Awesome, HTML5 Shiv, jQuery, jQuery.dropotron, Respond.js, Skel, Slick Tools: Metalsmith, npm, git /* THANKS */ Organization: HTML5 UP Resource: Verti template Site: html5up.net Twitter: @n33co License: Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (html5up.net/license). Comment: We were interested in using Skel for responsive design, and Verti was a good entry point. It is an ingenious utility; check it out! Though we have modified it and may trade it out, Verti is a good theme. Organization: Ken Wheeler Resource: Slick: The last carousel you'll ever need Site: kenwheeler.github.io/slick/ License: MIT Comment: A very solid and customisable carousel, though only for IE8+.